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Celtic Spread

Celtic Spread

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The Arrow Head The Tusk
The Tet
The Hand
The Hei Tiki The Amulet Box
The Tortoise
Cancer the Crab

The Hand

The Significator

The Hand

The hand indicates someone is making an effort to violate this aspect of your life. The devices attached indicate you will need tools to be successful in your protection.

The Tet

The Crossing Card

The Tet

This aspect is influenced by someone you find very attractive. Attraction in many cases is a dangerous thing that often causes more evil than good.


The Foundation card


The most powerful of all talisman indicating you or someone close to you will recover from an infection.

The Arrow Head

The Recent Past

The Arrow Head

The arrowhead is pointing up meaning troubles in this aspect have passed for the time being and the future appears clear of major obstacles. Now is the best time to prepare for the future.

The Tusk

The Crown

The Tusk

There is a good vibration surrounding this aspect. It feels better than it has in quite some time. Maintain your faith in your diety of choice and this good vibration will remain. Waiver from your faith and this good vibration will dissapate.

The Hei Tiki

The Future

The Hei Tiki

The Hei Tiki tells you it is time to relax, step back from your daily routine. Stop pushing yourself so hard and partake in some enjoyment. Relaxation will improve this aspect greatly.

Cancer the Crab


Cancer the Crab

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is changeable, moody, overemotional, touchy, and unable to let things go. This person is annoying most of the time and when you are with them you become irritable.

The Tortoise

External Forces

The Tortoise

The tortoise represents the dome of the sky, the universe. It tells you to take slow, deliberate steps and you can acheive everything you desire.


Hopes and Desires


A powerful force will rule you within aspect for the duration of a year. Your will be given few choices to make as most will be made for you. This force is malevolent in nature and the end result will be negative.

The Amulet Box

The Outcome

The Amulet Box

There are papers in your near future. This aspect is affected by legal papers of some kind--a contract, a legal action or a fine of some kind. These papers will cost you financially and emotionally.